Title: Real-time monitoring of crew operational state with wearable physiological sensors
Speaker: Katya Arquilla, HSL Postdoc
Abstract: The focus of this work is on the quantification of crew operational state using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) wearable sensor systems to collect easy-to-take physiological measurements. In this talk, we will describe the experimental paradigm, data collection methods, task design, and data analysis approach. Relevant research questions include: 1) can we use wearable sensor systems to measure crew operational state (both cognitive and physical)? and 2) is it possible to distinguish task types based on passively monitored physiological signals? As part of the answer to these questions, we will describe preliminary progress in analyzing heart rate variability metrics and their relationship with cognitive load during two paired tasks. This work is ongoing in collaboration with researchers from The Space Research Company, LLC., the University of Colorado Boulder, and Johns Hopkins University under NASA Human Research Program Grant # 80NSSC19K0655.