HSL News

Wed, 09/15/2021

First HSL Meeting for the Fall 2021-22 term!

Just a reminder that the HSL meeting will take place tomorrow at 12pm in Room 33-218 (second floor of building 33).  In order to get into the room, you will need to swipe your MIT ID card.  The first person in should just leave...

Thu, 06/17/2021

The HSL congratulates our own Liz Zotos for being awarded the MIT School of Engineering Ellen J. Mandigo Award for Outstanding Service. She has been a vital member of the lab and department providing her knowledge, compassion, assitance, and, of course, baklava, to students, staff, faculty and...

Mon, 05/24/2021

A Multimodal Communication Platform for IVA/EVA Teaming
Allison Porter, Human Systems Laboratory

Abstract: Human missions to Mars are fast approaching, with current NASA timelines planning these missions for the 2040s. Extended transmission delays...

Thu, 05/13/2021

Title: Neural Control of Exoskeletons
Speaker:  Hosea Siu, LL Technical Staff and HSL Alum

Zoom:  https://mit.zoom.us/j/96678010991


Thu, 04/29/2021

Title: Physics-Informed Deep learning for Uncertainty Quantification in Localized Climate Projections

Speaker: Björn Lütjens, HSL Graduate Student

Climate models forecast a global warming of 1 to 5 °C until 2100 (CMIP6 model ensemble, 2019...

Thu, 04/22/2021

MOXIE (Mars Oxygen In-situ Resource Utilization Experiment), a small, gold box-shaped instrument on the Mars2020 rover, Perserverance, successfully demonstrated a solid oxide electrolysis technology for converting the Martian atmosphere to oxygen on Tuesday evening, 4/20. This the first...

Tue, 04/20/2021

Title:  EarthDNA Ambassadors: Connecting leaders, empowering students, and engaging the world on climate

Speaker:  Brandon Leshchinskiy


Climate change is the challenge of our...

Mon, 04/12/2021

HSL Diversity Training Workshop

This is a note that the HSL Diversity Workshop Training will now be held on May 11 3-5p by Zoom. All members of the lab should make plans to attend the meeting. Meeting Zoom link will be sent closer to the date. All of the AeroAstro labs...

Fri, 04/02/2021

Aerodynamics and Impact Simulation​ of an Air-Dropped Ice Penetrator


Daniel Pekka Poe, HSL Graduate Student


In order to investigate movement of the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica, an air-dropped ice penetrator will...

Thu, 03/18/2021


Virtual HSL Talk

March 23, 2021, 4-5pm

Zoom:   Contact Liz Zotos if you need the Zoom link.

Title:  NASA Big Idea Challenge – MELLTTSpeakers:

Jess Todd, Becca Browder, Eric Hinterman, Human Systems Lab
