The first HSL meeting of the Spring term will be held virtually at 4p, Feb 23 (Tuesday)!
Contact Liz if you need the Zoom meeting link.
The first HSL meeting of the Spring term will be held virtually at 4p, Feb 23 (Tuesday)!
Contact Liz if you need the Zoom meeting link.
The Skinsuit: A Wearable Countermeasure Suit and Load Monitoring System for Spaceflight
Rachel Bellisle, Ph.D. Student | DRΛPER Fellow
Abstract: Human spaceflight is accompanied by physiological changes, largely due to the lack of gravity, that can affect the health...
Happy Holiday Greetings to current and former HSL members -
This Saturday (12/19, 5-7p), we will be hosting a virtual holiday party on the platform Sophya. Sophya presents a virtual space that you can walk around and mingle. When your avatar is near another (or many), a video chat opens...
Examination of Smooth Changes in Partial Gravity Gait Transitions
Alvin Harvey, AA/HSL graduate student
Humans exhibit an abrupt switch from walking to running in Earth gravity, suggesting at different gaits being modulated by different...
Congratulations (a little belated - sorry!) to Aditi Gupta for her successful doctoral dissertation defense
Human interaction & gait strategy with tightly-coupled lower-extremity systems
Thank you for all of your contributions to HSL and good luck with...
Congratulations to Tim McGrath for successfully defending his thesis
IMU-Based Estimation of Human Lower Body Kinematics and Applications to Extra Vehicular Operations
Great job Tim! Good luck with your future endeavors!
Human System Laboratory x Responsive Environments
Presenters: Rachel Bellisle, Akshay Kothakonda, Cody Paige, Alvin Harvey, Allison Porter, Irmandy Wicaksono, Cedric Honnet, and Juliana Cherston.
Description: Students from the Human Systems Lab and the...
Muscle Fatigue during Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation is Dependent on Training: A Basis for Microgravity Musculoskeletal Countermeasure Design
Thomas Joseph Abitante
HST, PhD Candidate
The muscle contraction creates large internal forces...
Just a reminder that we will have a HSL lab meeting by Zoom Wednesday September 9, 2020 at 9a.
** NOTE ** This is an hour earlier that last month's meeting time. If you need the Zoom link, contact Liz.
Hope that everyone has been having a good summer and keeping safe and healthy. The school year is starting in less than a month and there will be an HSL meeting by Zoom on Wednesday August 26 at 10a to let us reconnect.
If you didn't get the Zoom information, please contact Liz at...